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Longevity and DeSci Recap – June 2024

This summer season is red hot in the world of longevity. Packed with interesting events, investments and new research proposals, the future of longevity is becoming today’s reality. Join us as we run through the happenings of June 2024 and what’s been going on in the longevity and DeSci world.

Upcoming conferences and events

On July 5, Journal Club returns

Starting the summer months with a look at TERT activator compound (TAC), Dr. Oliver Medvedik will explore a paper by Ron DePinho and his team on the topic of telomeres. With the latest research supporting TERT activation as a potential therapy for mitigating multiple aging hallmarks and associated diseases, this online event isn’t one to miss. Sign up now via Facebook.

ARDD returns for its 11th session

Tried, tested, and loved, the Aging Research and Drug Discovery Meeting is back this August for its 11th edition. Bringing to the stage Nir Barzilai, Vera Gorbunova, and Aubrey de Grey among many others, this conference is set to be one of the highlights of the season. Tickets are available online, and the program promises to be packed with engaging topics such as healthy longevity, epigenetic reprogramming, and senolytics.

Longevity elite investors gather

The yearly longevity conference for investors is set to return to Gstaad, Switzerland this September. Over the three days of the conference, this exclusive event will provide a haven for longevity investors and pave the way for the industry’s direction this year. Potential attendees must pass a screening process for eligibility if they wish to apply for attendance.

Four letters, one big conference: HLTH 2024

Hitting the stage in Las Vegas, HLTH 2024 is set to be one of the most important events in healthcare this year. Speakers include Johnson & Johnson CEOs and the Cleveland Clinic, with topics including AI in healthcare, marketing, longevity, nursing, and much more. This is a must-do for longevity enthusiasts seeking a more holistic view of longevity in the wider health ecosystem. Tickets are available online now.

Tech breakthroughs & new research

From the Cradle to the big freeze: $48 million in funding for cryopreservation startup

Biotech startup Cradle has just received a massive $48 million in funding to further its research into reversible cryopreservation. Early research has shown some recovery of electrical activity in neural tissue, prompting the latest funding move.

Strategic partnership combines tech, data, and genomics

MapmyGenome and Humanity Inc. have teamed up to develop more personalized healthcare solutions. The latest partnership draws upon MapmyGenome’s genomic testing and Humanity’s data-driven platform to deliver insights to the app’s users and craft tailed solutions and health profiles, empowering users to live healthier lives.

Mapping your body’s inner age with SYMPHONYAge

TruDiagnostic has announced the launch of the first epigenetic aging analysis for individual organ systems: SYMPHONYAge. Developed utilizing Yale University’s algorithms, this system provides insights into how different parts of the body are aging. These researchers believe that their approach will provide information about how interconnected aging patterns operate and deliver more personalized health solutions.

DAOs and communities

Vitalia Summer Program kicks off this July

The already famous city Vitalia is preparing for a vibrant summer packed with networking opportunities, talks, and workshops for longevity enthusiasts. Topics of the month-long event include legal issues and governance, techno-optimism, biohacking, prosthetics and exoskeletons, and VC pitching. Tickets are available here.

VitaDAO delivers additional $300K in funding to Artan Bio with IP-NFTs

Utilizing its unique IP-NFT system, VitaDAO has successfully raised $300,000 for Artan Bio with support from its community. The latest funds are in addition to an earlier funding round and will go towards continuing to support Artan Bio in the development of an engineered arginine suppressor tRNA in cells to target nonsense codons. The newest funds will support the biotech in preclinical phases and potential clinical trial preparation.

EthCC – Ethereum Community Conference sells out in Brussels

With the Paris Olympics heating up the streets of the French capital, EthCC is heading to Brussels this summer with a host of Ethereum-focused events for crypto enthusiasts. Although not solely a longevity conference, the event facilitates the use of crypto technology for biotech project and is set to feature speakers such as Paul Kohlhaas of Molecule and

Other DeSci and longevity news

Saudi-funded non-profit Hevolution delivers major boost to longevity

Hevolution has just dropped the news of its latest investment, a symbol of confidence in the longevity sector, by investing $400+ million into new grants programs in the coming couple of years. That’s not all, the longevity giant has delivered on its promise of a holistic approach to longevity by holding the first Global Healthspan Summit early this year, attended by over 1,500 participants, with promises of another round in 2025. Hevolution is one of the biggest funds in longevity, with an annual budget nearing $1 billion. Read more about the latest updates here.

Turn Biotechnologies and HanAll Biopharma join forces for longevity solutions

Pharma giant HanAll Biopharma and longevity technology company Turn Biotechnologies have signed a global licensing agreement in a deal estimated to be worth in the range of $300 million. This collaboration isn’t a first for the pair, with HanAll previously funding in its past research and explorations. The latest collaboration is seeking to further develop epigenetic reprogramming treatments for age-related eye and ear conditions and aims to improve quality of life for older patients.

$7.5 million in Series A funding for Alida Bioscienes

Epigenomic research biotech Alida Biosciences has just closed a Series A funding round with $7.5 million going towards new tools, including the EpiPlex RNA Library Prep Kit and the EpiScout Analysis Suite, to facilitate the analysis of RNA modifications, supporting aging and disease research within its wider epitranscriptomic analysis research.

Two aging researchers go head-to-head

Aubrey de Grey of the LEV foundation and Peter Fedichev of are two of the longevity industry’s most well-known personalities. Each has a different perspective on longevity and how progress should be achieved. Fedichev emphasizes challenges of reversing entropic damage, advocating for a focus on slowing its accumulation. Meanwhile, de Grey maintains his optimism for life extension by finding solutions to damage repair and cellular reprogramming. Delve into the details of the debate with an in-depth article on the longevity titans debate by our own Arkadi Mazin.

Social media pages to follow this month

Gero is a data-driven biotech leveraging artificial intelligence to create drugs against aging and disease

Gladyshev Lab is a collaboration between Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School developing new longevity solutions.

Dr. Evelyne Bischof is a longevity physician and specialist in internal medicine. Dr Bischof is one of the leading voices of the longevity world.

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